Okuma DRA-J2000 Radial Drilling Machine

Radial Drilling Machine Drilling Machine Publication Date: February 13, 2025 Print (Without Logo) Print (With Logo)

Stock ID 47978
Stock Code 7001Y517
Manufacturer Okuma
Model Type DRA-J2000
Year 1970
Main Specifications

◆Drilling: 70mmΦ ◆Bore: 250mmΦ ◆Tapping: W2 1/2 ◆Column diameter: 550 ◆Maximum distance between column center and spindle: 2400 ◆Maximum/minimum distance between spindle end and base surface: 1890-610 ◆Up/down movement distance of arm: 880 ◆Spindle speed range (rpm) Right rotation: (50c/s) 14-1800 (60c/s) 18-2240 Left rotation: Approximately 1.4 times the right rotation ◆MTNo.5 ◆Up/down movement distance: 400 ◆Base dimensions: W300×D3285×H1320 ◆Base working area: 2145×1140 ◆Motor 5.5kw ◆Required floor area: 3600×1320 ◆Net weight (kg): 11500kg _If there are any differences between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will take precedence.

Location Mie Prefecture