Okuma MB-46VAE Vertical Machining Center

Vertical Machining Center Machining Center - NC Publication Date: February 13, 2025 Print (Without Logo) Print (With Logo)

Stock ID 47801
Stock Code 20301096
Manufacturer Okuma
Model Type MB-46VAE
Year 2007
Main Specifications

[Mold/fine feed specifications] ◆OSP-P200M-H 3D-D ◆50 to 20,000 min-1 ◆Tool shank: HSK-A63 ◆Table: 460 x 1,000 ◆High cross specifications: +200 mm step increase ◆ATC: 48 *Drum filter type chip conveyor *Through spindle coolant *Mist collector *Spindle thermal displacement control TAS-S *Ambient thermal displacement control TAS-C *Absolute scale detection (mold): X, Y, and Z axes *NC circular table mounting (additional 2 axes) (KITAGAWA TT182HJ-01) *DNC connection DNC-DT *Super-NURBS function available_If there are any differences between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will take precedence.

Location Mie Prefecture