Other (free input) XM-C1000 Measuring & Inspection

Measuring & Inspection Publication Date: February 13, 2025 Print (Without Logo) Print (With Logo)

Stock ID 47339
Stock Code 21811139
Manufacturer キーエンス
Model Type XM-C1000
Year 2016
Main Specifications

◆Controller: XM-1500 ◆Head: XM-C1000 ◆Head base monitor section: XM-M1200 ◆Head base movable stage section: XM-S1200 ◆Camera Probe Stage marker: XM-T1200 ◆Imaging device: 4 megapixel CMOS ◆Measurement range: 600 x 300 x 200 (mm) ◆Minimum display unit: 1_ ◆Repeatability accuracy When stage is locked: ±3_ ◆Repeatability accuracy When stage is unlocked: ±4_ ◆Indication error When stage is locked: ±8_ ◆Indication error When stage is unlocked: ±(10+L/100)_ ◆Load capacity: 25Ω ◆X-axis movable range: ±100mm ◆Rotation range: ±60° ◆Number of probes: 2 _In the event of any discrepancies between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will take precedence.

Location Mie Prefecture