Other (free input) HEXAGON ABSOLUTE ARM8530(7軸アーム) Measuring & Inspection

Measuring & Inspection Publication Date: February 13, 2025 Print (Without Logo) Print (With Logo)

Stock ID 47343
Stock Code 21102005
Manufacturer ヘキサゴン・メトロジー
Model Type HEXAGON ABSOLUTE ARM8530(7軸アーム)
Year Unknown
Main Specifications

Software is also available for purchase. ◆H00008000: 1 85 Series 7-axis arm, absolute encoder, 3.0m measuring range, System configuration: LCD wrist display, smart lock, zero G counter bar, spin grip, spin knob, TESA TKJ 3mm/6mm ruby, 15mm steel ball probe, RDS calibration, Interface software, calibration ball, check bar, base plate, dedicated carry case, ISO10360-12 inspection report ◆Control Pack O: 1 ◆Magnetic base: 1 ◆HP-L-20.8 Laser Scanner Kit: 1 System configuration: HP-L-20.8 laser scanner, 3 types of detachable grips, RA8 arm power supply, FP4 adapter, feature pack 4, sensor trigger cable, calibration ball, scanner dedicated storage case, calibration certificate, scanning system inspection report ◆Burson folding tripod MAS54 carry bag: 1 Short type (619mm-972mm), AL leg, weight 13.2kg, nylon shoulder strap, casters, HEXAGON logo ◆3mm ruby ball probe TKJ male connector: 1 piece Carbon fiber shaft (L150mm) ◆Probe tip: 2 pieces 3mm ruby ball M3-L10mm _If there are any differences between the specifications and the actual product, the actual product will take precedence.

Location Mie Prefecture